2019 Year of the Boar OPEN HOUSE
1040 Smith Street Gallery and Hotel Street (between Smith & Maunakea Streets)
Phone (808) 521-2749 for information
Historic and Cultural Exhibits of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Jews, Portuguese, Puerto Rican and Scots of Hawaii
2019 Historic Sites calendars featuring the Hawaii State Capitol (available for purchase)
Ono bento, spam musubi, baked goods
Narcissus plant sale
Rummage sale
Chinese New Year traditional display
Margaret Young Pang books and moon harps
Ken Chong book collection
Kirk Cashmire Jewish Film Festival
Wong Society Chinese fortune telling
Chinatown Parking:
C&C Municipal parking lots, $3 all day Saturdays
Marin Tower: enter from Smith Street (between Nimitz & King St)
Smith-Beretania: enter from Beretania Street (ewa of Nuuanu Ave)